The Location of the Ark

I just recently finished reading Graham Hancock's The Sign and the Seal, a non-fiction account of his own search for the ark of the covenant. His quest leads him all the way to Ethiopia, where the ark is kept in the church of St. Mary of Zion in the capital city of Axum. Through the years and centuries a guardian of the ark has always been appointed to protect the ark. The guardian remains with the ark always, never to leave it on pain of death. Once a year, the ark is brought out covered in heavy cloths to be carried through the streets in a ceremony called timkat. Hancock went to Axum in an attempt to see the ark. Of course, he would not be allowed inside the church where it is kept. Not to be hindered, he asked if the ark carried during timkat was the real ark. He could get no clear answer. He did notice an interesting occurrence as the ceremony commenced. The guardian, the man who was to remain with the ark at all times, did not follow the procession carrying the ark into the city. The guardian remained at the church, watchful and at his post. Hancock surmised that the true ark, the one that held the ten commandments, was not what was being carried through the streets. The ark of the covenant remained in the church of St. Mary of Zion and resides there to this day. The evidence for its existence is convincing. But you'll have to read the book to be convinced yourself.