Thursday, March 22, 2007

Vancouver "Sasquatch" Footage

I found this footage on cryptomundo, and, as you'll see, there's not much to get excited about. Some aspects of the video point towards a hoax, while others could be evidence of a true sighting. Either way, it's a blurry, shaky recording that doesn't prove anything.

Monday, March 19, 2007

I love calamari, but this is too much

Earlier this year, a New Zealand fishing boat accidentally hauled up a 1 ton squid, the largest ever caught. What interested me more was that the captain reported finding enormous giant squid beaks in the stomachs of sperm whale. These beaks dwarfed the beak of the squid recently caught.

Thanks to Mark and Jessie for alerting me to this story

Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Heston Hijinks

This is a little quiz which most people would find extremely challenging. Only a true Charlton Heston fan would answer correctly on the first try.

In what classic Heston movie was this photo taken:

a. Ben-Hur
b. The Ten Commandments
c. Bowling for Columbine
d. Planet of the Apes