Water Supply

The Sierras Nevadas have been a primary feeding area for cattle in the past 100 years. Consequently, much of the water supply--rivers, creeks, ponds--has been contaminated by bovine fecal matter. Many of the animals that live in this area obtain their moisture from the plants they eat or from dew. Recently, a BFRO expedition to the Sierras Nevadas discovered what appeared to be another source of water--domes of snow covered by forest debris. All evidence points to deliberate construction by hand of these snow domes. Now, of course, human construction is a possible explanation but what human would be making piles of snow in remote mountain forests in the middle of winter? The only other explanation is that these were made by sasquatch. It would be relevant to mention that howls and other sasquatch vocalizations were heard in the vicinity of the domes.