Monday, November 24, 2008

Large Predatory Cats in the Eastern U.S.

While reports of lions and other large cats in the eastern U.S. are often dismissed as escaped zoo or circus animals, some recent photographic evidence may prove otherwise. The above photo of a cougar was captured in Columbia County, NY. The following picture shows a map of the recognized range of the cougar (mountain lion, panther, puma, etc.) as well as class 1(live sighting, photo or video) and class 2 (tracks, hair, etc.) evidence of cougars in other parts of the country.

Sightings of African lions have also been reported in the eastern U.S. More than one credible eyewitness has described large cats with manes and tufted tails, features associated with the male African lion. There once was a species of lion native to North America--panthera leo atrox--now said to be extinct. We may find that assumption to be in grave error . . .