Creature in Raystown Lake
This image was captured in February 2006 at Raystown Lake, Pennsylvania. As intriguing as the photo is, there are some convincing arguments against the existence of this creature. First, the lake is man-made and is approximately 100 years old. How could a lake monster have been confined in a body of water so recently constructed? Second, the Huntingdon County published a press release about the creature which sounds very much like a marketing campaign to draw tourists.
There have been other sightings of the creature in the past. To see more photos and read the press release go to
since it is a manmade lake I'd say it seems more likely to be a publicity stunt to boost tourism.
i just hope that if it is a hoax, that it gets exposed quickly.
That picture looks too well-composed. I would think that an amateur photographer would have put the creature right in the center and zoomed in as close as they could. Instead you have the creature placed in the lower third with the lake and mountains in the background, like a postcard (which was probably their intent anyway).
It's probably just a really big beaver or something.
a beaver with a really long neck
i like beavers
I don't think it matters that it's only a 100 years old. I mean, look at how various forms of fungi spread, through spores carried by the wind. Or birds sometimes carry seeds, drop them and then a plant grows. A baby sea creature may have been picked up by a hungry bird who then discovered that the morsel was not in the least tasty, and then he dropped it. Quite fortuitously in a lake. Who knows, maybe the creature is even the spawn of nessie.
or maybe the creature traveled through a system of underground channels, which I will dub the "cryptozoological channels", until it made it's home here.
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