Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Sarcophagus of the Great Pyramid

Flinders Petrie, the 19th century egyptologist, examined this sarcophagus during his extensive survey of the Great Pyramid. After studying the sarcophagus extremely closely, he concluded that the Egyptians had made use of some, as yet, undiscovered instruments to construct it.

The granite sarcophagus had been sawn to shape using eight-foot long saws. Bronze was the hardest metal known to man at that time, or so history tells us. It was also evident that the stone coffin had been hollowed out using tubular drills. "The amount of pressure, shown by the rapidity with which the drills and saws pierced through the hard stones, is very surprising; probably a load of at least a ton or two was placed on the 4-inch drills cutting in granite. . . These rapid spiral grooves cannot be ascribed to anything but the descent of the drill into the granite under enormous pressure . . ."


Anonymous Anonymous said...

this goes right along with my theory that aliens helped build ancient egypt.

4/26/2006 9:51 AM  
Blogger Brian said...

aliens with big saws and power drills.

4/26/2006 12:37 PM  
Blogger Mark Weaver said...

thats bizarre. I guess there are just some things we may never discover the secrets to.

4/26/2006 1:15 PM  
Blogger Brian said...

no, i actually don't. I can't say that they don't exist with absolute certainty b/c i can't prove it, but i think their existence is unlikely. The scientific community who is actively looking for signs of intelligent life (like SETI) are looking for it based on an evolutionary assumption. Because they believe life evolved on this planet, they also believe that somewhere, amidst the billions of galaxies in the universe, life had to have evolved in the same way.

4/27/2006 8:49 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think a lot of things will remain a "mystery" to most people until they understand that there's a whole spiritual realm that exists around us every day. For instance, sightings of so called "ghosts" or "aliens".

4/27/2006 9:05 AM  
Blogger Brian said...

That's true. What's interesting is that accounts of alien abductions often bear a resemblance to fairy lore:

1. Aliens are usually seen as small beings; so were fairies
2. Abductees are taken to some unknown location (the mother ship or whatever) similar to the way in which people were taken by fairies to the dwellings of the fairies
3. Some abductees have reported being touched by a wand that controlled their ability to move; it's not much of a stretch to see a connection there with magic wands

There's probably several more similarities, but the point is that aliens, in many ways, are a reincarnation of the fairy legend. And fairies were definitely considered to be of another world, a spiritual world. For that reason, I think we can attribute a lot of these present-day and centuries old encounters with "other beings" as demonic activity.

4/27/2006 1:33 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Brian, you should check out a book called, "A Divine Revelation of hell". I must write a disclaimer and say that I'm not altogether sure how I feel about the book, but there are some interesting ideas in there.

4/28/2006 9:47 AM  
Blogger Brian said...

Do you know who the author is? i'd like to look it up. Is it for or against the existence of hell?

4/28/2006 10:25 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's a woman who says she was given a vision of hell, and that it's at the center of the earth and it's in the shape of a body, with different parts of the body being for different sins, etc, etc. There's also portals in the atmosphere that lead to heaven, and some that lead down to hell. you can go to christian bookstore online and see it there. I forget the woman's name that wrote it.

4/28/2006 12:42 PM  
Blogger Brian said...

Yeah, zombies freak me out, too, especially like the ones in 28 days later. It's one thing if they're stumbling around and moaning. It's quite another if they're screaming and sprinting after you intent on ripping your head off.

Have you ever seen that book, Marian, called The Zombie Survival Guide (i think that's the title)? At the end of the book, it gives a timeline of zombie attacks throughout history. Whether they are real or not, i'm not sure. I hope not...

5/01/2006 11:15 AM  

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