Creation Museum
The Creation Museum, opening in 2007, has come under attack from the scientific establishment. Critics label it as another attempt by narrow-minded fundamentalists to force theology into the realm of science. Interestingly, the "narrow-minded" leaders of the Creation Museum effort have incorporated both views--Creation and Evolution--into the exhibits, letting visitors make up their own minds (see article).
dear mr. weaver,
did you notice the man's vest? it's brown!! i just love anything brown, don't you? yes, i thought so...
becoming more tanned (brown) with every sunny day,
the master
i'm glad you pointed out yet another occurence of brown in my blog. It would be great if you could sign your name as "the brown master" instead of just "the master". Oh, and by the way--your increasing brownness is not a result of the sun. It's because you continually rub fecal matter all over yourself.
the virginia brown master does the same thing on my blog. I love how he thinks that he's anonymous.
Virginia Brown Master is having a serious identity crisis. First, he thinks he's our mom, now, he believes he's the brown master. I actually feel kind of sorry for him. Mark, since you're down there, can you just put him out of his misery?
I haven't read Talisman yet. How was it?
I find it funny how we, as creationists, are considered the "closeminded" ones. Every creation seminar I've attended, and christian based science textbook I've learned from has presented the truth of creation right along side of the theory of evolution, giving you both viewpoints. I've never seen a single mention of creationism as even a theory in any secular science textbooks. Hummmmmmmmm.
mr brian weaver,
there is much beauty in brown. look around yourself today and contemplate how many brown things benefit your life. your toast is brown, the soil of our earth from which our vegetables grow is brown, the UPS truck which delivers important goods and materials is very brown. many cows are brown and they are a well known source of meat and dairy products. the best eggs are also brown. there are many wonderful brown people in the world also. Barry Bonds is brown and he will soon set a new major league home run record!
mr. weaver, embrace and enjoy brown. please don't denegrate brown by mentioning excrement. i consider excrement one of the few outliers in the world of brown.
with reverance and understanding,
the master
I bet you were one of those kids that wrote with your own poop on the bathroom walls in elementary school.
Belief in evolution requires as much faith as belief in creation. Most evolutionists will never admit that fact. Despite their claims, there exists no evidence to prove that one species of animal has evolved into another. Yet they still believe in the theory of evolution. It's a matter of faith.
I think that's a pretty accurate assessment of his writing, especially, his more recent books. I tried reading Underworld, but got only half way through it. Too technical, very analytical to the point of boredom. Fingerprints of the Gods is definitely the best that i've read so far. Message of the Sphinx was more technical, so it was a little harder to read. I'm reading The Sign and the Seal right now, his first book, about his quest for the Ark of the Covenant. So far, there has been one tedious chapter, but other than that, it's been enjoyable.
Have I mentioned how much I love Ken Hamm?
to jess:
your comment is very immature and i am offended greatly by it. why are you so anti-brown? doesn't the color brown remind you of which side of your underpants goes in back? that's right, and the green stain goes in the front! now you've got it!
the master
to marian,
you represent true "beauty in brown". that should be your motto.
hugs and kisses
the master
To Master :
Yes, I may be perceived as one who is immature, but why, I ask, are you so offended by poop? Why, even just saying the word "poop" brings happiness and laughter to so many. And you know what they say about laughter being the best medicine. Well it is. So instead, take pride in that which is brown and comes from your bum.
LOL! that was beautiful!
I'd like to see Charlton Heston challenge this old boy to a duel.
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