Thursday, April 20, 2006

Large Carnivorous Dinosaur Discovered

Mapusaurus roseae is the name given to this newly discovered, forty-one foot long carnivore. Despite the dinosaur's immensity, it is still slightly smaller than Gigantosaurus, the current carnivorous record-holder.

More than one skeleton of Mapusaurus was discovered. In fact, paleontologists found bones from multiple animals, both juveniles and adults, in the same place. They then made the somewhat reasonable assumption that the Mapusaurus traveled in packs. Fair enough (although even that logic could be argued). But then, Rodolfo Coria, who also worked on the excavation and is a paleontologist at the Carmen Funes Museum in Argentina, made this statement based on his assessment of the social nature of these dinosaurs: "The pack even appears to have passed away together in a mass die-off."

Because these animals were found fossilized together, the immediate, and correct, conclusion was that they must have died together. But, since a worldwide flood is unscientific in their minds, they have to contrive another explanation for this mass death. Thus, the statement that these animals chose to die together at the same time and same place.

If evolutionists can stretch their imaginations to make absurd statements such as this one, they at least could admit that creationists are no more fantastical in their claims then the evolutionists.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

mr. weaver

that skull is sort of brown!

please go to this web page:

let me know what you think!


the master

4/20/2006 2:36 PM  
Blogger Brian said...

I have to admit--i laughed. Thanks, brown master

4/20/2006 2:52 PM  
Blogger Mark Weaver said...

show yourself, brown extremist!

4/20/2006 4:20 PM  
Blogger the brown master said...

the master speaks:

i'm glad you enjoyed the exposure to things brown, mr weaver.

i am in the process of building my web page. i will let you know when it is ready for viewing.

from the brown universe

4/20/2006 6:46 PM  

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